State Intelligence Institute - IIN

It is not going to discuss the school initiated General (ret) AM Hendropriyono it. But more in terms of ethical because no one can I express openly about these schools. The first school age are still relatively young and suddenly "lost" after the change of government and leadership of BIN. Even the website has been designed including BIN, and IIN also suddenly disappeared.

I feel the need to take care privacy agent candidates who are following the education there. I have faith in their potential because of the strict selection through special channels to search talents secondary schools leading hopefully nepotis net of elements (identity and their existence is very important to be protected). This is the ideal Hendro man I have ever taken with my digital recorder Leave on a young agent. Bung Hendro is concerned about education and improving the quality of BIN to become a professional institution. Despite the "show off" like the celebrities he was somewhat disturbing part of the intelligence, breakthrough Hendro man will have positive impact if the program continued to run. The problem, of course, a big fund.

Will the new leadership is also committed to the education fund budget for that great?

School of Intelligence Masters program in Batam ... quo vadis?
replied aka stagnant status quo for the vision and mission of education Hendro man was too heavy with a lack of resources BIN.
Concentration difference would cause concern led to different policy priorities as well. Legend says the program has taken over the prestigious educational institutions in Indonesia, namely University of Indonesia ... with a special post-graduate programs Strategic Intelligence Studies. This is not a campaign ... but if there is interest there's no harm to find out the University of Indonesia. The information in this Blog II because I think it needs a little study also covered the announcement accepting students. If you want to check please visit the website of national security, strategic intelligence. Rigorous selection and go through tests and appropriate recommendations about potential applicants academic ability. And did not receive a deposit of nepotism. I see faculty experts and practitioners there is also the possibility exists that these students could open an opportunity to meet the intelligence practitioners like me ... either as a guest lecturer ... either as part of research to help students.

If the administrative staff or faculty postgraduate program less responsive UI in receiving and answering any questions "to know" from readers of Blog II in droves to register, convey my opinion; "that the right of every citizen to obtain the same rights in get an education. When the UI to open strategic intelligence assessment programs must also be open greater opportunities for all interested program ".

If my health is maintained and given a long life, to school in Batam really I am willing to return to Indonesia and teach my retirement period. I'll turn on the academic life-science studies of practical intelligence with Indonesian intelligence community.

I am glad the world of education, even though I meet the qualifications to teach in the UI with the experience and my educational background. I'm not interested because the curriculum is still dominated by national perspectives as well as less obvious Resilience eye specialist college. I dream of the intelligence program imbued with intelligence school of thought. I also envision the birth of the Sherman Kent School ala Indonesia, which could produce intelligence analysts are reliable.

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